Frequently Asked Questions

1.  I missed the deadline for the balance. Can the balance be paid on the 1st day of camp? The balance can be paid any time before the start of camp.

2.   Who are the instructors? The instructors are certified teachers from the public and private sector and personnel from the Dover Air Base.

3.   Have the instructors had a background check?All employees have a state required background check and are required to sign a sexual abuse and child abuse policy form.

4.  Prices for before and after care.Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation (DASEF) - Kids Space Prgrams$50.00 for am or pm care for the week.

5.  What type of bedding is needed for the overnight?Cadets need to bring sheets, blankets, and pillows.

6.   Can the cadets have a cell phone at the
overnight camp? Yes. The phone cannot be on during classes or trips.

7.   What is the arrangement of the dorm rooms?Males are on one floor and females on a separate floor. There are 2 cadets per room with a bathroom adjoining 2 rooms.

8.   Is there a nurse?Yes. There is a nurse on duty all day for the day camps. The nurse for the overnight academies is on duty from 8 am until bedtime.

9. Who are the overnight counselors?Overnight counselors are college graduates and college students. The overnight personnel have
all gone through the aerospace program. Many
have been with the organization from the time
they were in the 3rd grade.

10. Can I pick my child up early?Yes. The commander in charge of the camp needs to be notified.

11. Do you have outdoor time?The students have an outdoor activity in conjunction with the lunch break.

12. Can the overnight cadets leave for another event and then return to camp?Yes. Commanders need to be advised ahead of time so that arrangements can be made. Overnight councilors need to know when the cadet will return. Returning cadets need to check in with the office.

13. Can I request a friend be assigned to the same wing?Yes. This needs to be arranged 3 weeks prior to the start of camp.

14. What is the scholarship process?A scholarship application can be requested by calling the number on the academy application. Scholarships are need based awards.

Phone: 302.659.5003
Copyright © 1997-2023 by the Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation